Thursday, March 12, 2015

Post 4

Hi! I've gotten quite a lot done since my last update. I'm not where I wanted to be, but I'm certainly making some sort of progress. I had been so busy recently with the production of Young Frankenstein, but sadly that is over. I am going to miss stage crew a lot but it was definitely hard to spend all those hours after school.
Anyway, I've spent a lot of time working on Hannah's drawing this week. So far I have drawn her face and plan on adding different objects in the background.
I have made Hannah's drawing using a Wacom drawing tablet, which I show in my video blog. I just recently got this tablet, and this is only the second drawing I've made using it.
This is so far my drawing of Hannah. I began it a few days ago and I'm not done yet. (I still have to clean up the lines on her face and things like that, as well as possibly add things in the background.)
So far, I think the drawing is pretty nice considering I'm not very good at using the tablet yet. It doesn't look exactly like Hannah, but it looks like a person which I guess is a step in the right direction.
Something I need to work on is my time management. I often get distracted while drawing or focus too deeply on the smaller details. Usually when I draw, I don't have a time limit.
As I said in an earlier blog post, I am having a hard time showing the drawings I've done on paper. I tried to show just one of them in my video blog, but most of them are too big to scan. If I have to just take a picture I will, but the lighting of my room makes them look terrible. Anyways, I don't exactly have to much to say, I should probably get back to drawing. (I'm currently working on Sarah's drawing- Oil pastel. I tried to make her face kind of pinkish pastelish just to add something different, but as of right now she's just looking a bit too sun burnt.) Wish me luck! (:

This weeks comments:

1 comment:

  1. Hi Laura!
    I really like your drawing of me; you're so talented and you captured my seventh-grade cat-ear essence perfectly :~)
    You're really putting a lot of thought and energy into each person's drawing - while you may not be exactly where you want to be in regards to your progress, you should still realize that you did a great job and created a lot of art in a short period of time. Also, I know you're not always happy with how your art turns out, but realize that you created something, and even if it doesn't match exactly with the image you had in your head, you're able to do something that a lot of people can't and create something out of nothing!! I'm excited for your TED Talk; I know you'll do great!
