Thursday, March 12, 2015

Post 4

Hi! I've gotten quite a lot done since my last update. I'm not where I wanted to be, but I'm certainly making some sort of progress. I had been so busy recently with the production of Young Frankenstein, but sadly that is over. I am going to miss stage crew a lot but it was definitely hard to spend all those hours after school.
Anyway, I've spent a lot of time working on Hannah's drawing this week. So far I have drawn her face and plan on adding different objects in the background.
I have made Hannah's drawing using a Wacom drawing tablet, which I show in my video blog. I just recently got this tablet, and this is only the second drawing I've made using it.
This is so far my drawing of Hannah. I began it a few days ago and I'm not done yet. (I still have to clean up the lines on her face and things like that, as well as possibly add things in the background.)
So far, I think the drawing is pretty nice considering I'm not very good at using the tablet yet. It doesn't look exactly like Hannah, but it looks like a person which I guess is a step in the right direction.
Something I need to work on is my time management. I often get distracted while drawing or focus too deeply on the smaller details. Usually when I draw, I don't have a time limit.
As I said in an earlier blog post, I am having a hard time showing the drawings I've done on paper. I tried to show just one of them in my video blog, but most of them are too big to scan. If I have to just take a picture I will, but the lighting of my room makes them look terrible. Anyways, I don't exactly have to much to say, I should probably get back to drawing. (I'm currently working on Sarah's drawing- Oil pastel. I tried to make her face kind of pinkish pastelish just to add something different, but as of right now she's just looking a bit too sun burnt.) Wish me luck! (:

This weeks comments:

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Video Blog

So, this kind of took me a while to be able to film and edit. I'm sorry it's a bit choppy, I kept messing up because I'm not the best speaker. The password is laurasvideo, I hope you like it! I'm sorry I was only able to show one of my pieces, I hope to show more soon!! (: Thanks.

Genius Project from Laura Roth on Vimeo.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Post 3

In all honesty, I think my biggest problem regarding this project is time management. Last week, I had stage crew every day and didn't get home until about 9:30 at night. While I love working at stage crew, the timing for the play is quite unfortunate considering I need the time to draw during these weeks. Sadly, I barely got anything done last week. That means this week I need to work extra hard to stay focused and to get my drawings done.
Another problem I've been having, which is one I mentioned in an earlier blog post, was being able to focus on one drawing for a while. I feel as if I have started too many, and haven't finished enough. I have started about five and have only finished two. I guess this kind of could go along with time management.
Other than working hard on my drawings during the few hours of free time I get this week, I am also planning on going out and finding a monthly calendar. Personally, I am a visual learner and having a calendar with all my goals laid out would be very helpful for me!
One of the pieces I am working on is left at the museum I take classes at, which sets me back a bit, but not to worry! I can still work on other pieces in the meantime. Again, this kind of messes up my original goal of having one drawing done a week, but I think I am still almost on track of where I should be.
There was something that Jess Miao posted one of the first weeks that I think would be really helpful. She posted a picture showing her progress. I think this is a really helpful tool and helpful tool and I have decided to make one of my own, helping my visualize how much of each drawing I need to finish.
This is the progress bar so far. Hopefully soon I will have more names on it! 

Another problem I have faced is that I plan on doing one of my drawings digitally, using a Wacom tablet (which I already own). In a perfect world, I would like to be able to see all of my drawings laid out and have a tangible copy of them, which means I would have to find a way to print this drawing. Other than having a tangible copy, I would also like to be able to have a copy to post on here! By the time I get home at night, my room is dark and the even with the lights on it is hard to take a decent picture. I took a picture of the progress bar, but that is only because it is not as important that the colors show up vividly on there as it should in my drawings. I would like to find a way to scan my drawings and be able to upload them onto my computer. Hopefully I will have found a way by my next post!! Some of my drawings are large, which makes them hard to scan, but I'm sure I can think of some way to upload them onto here!
Like I talked about in earlier posts, I wanted to focus the mood of my drawings off the mood of the subject, reflecting how they act and what their personality is like. I would also like to place other objects in the drawing that I think represent them. For example, in the drawing I am doing for my friend Leanne, I drew her in the outfit seen in the movie Heathers. I did this because Leanne likes both fashion/clothing and the movie Heathers, so I thought this would be an interesting way to incorporate something she likes into the drawing!
Just like I focus the mood of the drawings on the mood of my friends, I pick which drawing I work on based off of which mood I am. I don’t know if this is helpful or a setback. It could be helpful because when I am in the mood to work with a certain medium, it makes me more motivated and overall I do a better job. It could also be a setback because I can’t get one drawing finished at a time.

By next week, I hope to have more drawings finished, a monthly calendar, and more progress in my progress bar. Wish me luck!! :)

This weeks comments:


