Saturday, February 14, 2015

Post 1

Since I was little, I have always loved drawing. I've never really been good at it, but I definitely enjoyed it over the years. Since I was around five, I have been taking drawing classes in many different places. I have worked with different mediums over time.
I've always wanted to develop my own style, I've seen so many kids around me in classes drawing their own designs and characters and I always feel jealous.
When I found out we could do a project on basically anything we wanted, my mind automatically jumped into something art related. I am taking this as a handy opportunity to enhance my drawing skills as well as get to know different mediums that I have not used as often as others.
My favorite materials to draw with are colored pencils and oil pastels, both of which I have a surplus of at my house. I am going to try and use as many media as I possibly can.
Recently, I have been taking classes every Saturday at the Michener museum in Doylestown. My art teacher there, whom I have known for about two years, told me the biggest setback that I have been facing when it comes to art is keeping my wrist loose and having faith in myself. My teacher there has agreed to help me work on my art on Saturdays.
My goal for this project is to draw around seven different drawings of my friends. I have been known to be a bit of a perfectionist, so I am not sure how long each drawing will take, but my goal is about a week.
I want to focus on the personalities of each of my friends, being inspired by what makes them up and what they are into, not just what they look like. While I am drawing each person, I will listen to music they like and music that represents them because I have found that listening to music while drawing helps me to get into the "zone".
I'm really excited for this project. I hope that by the end I have at least seven pieces that I am proud of and each one gets better after time.


  1. laura, this is so cool! you are like, a level 87 art!!!!!

  2. Laura, this project idea is really unique and interesting! It will be so cool to see how your art has improved with each drawing you do. Are you going to use a different medium for each drawing, or will you vary it only a little? Also, are the drawings going to be realistic or abstract? I think that it would be really fascinating to see a time-lapse video of you doing one of the portraits, so maybe you could consider that. I am really looking forward to seeing how your art skills develop over time, and I can't wait to see all the finished drawings!

  3. Hi Laura! I think it's cool how you are working on improving your artistic techniques by drawing your friends. What kind of goals are you hoping to achieve with your different styles of drawings? How far do you think you are from these goals? I think you will definitely be able to find some of your own style in this process and feel really confident by the end.

  4. Hey Laura! This sounds like a really fun and interesting project and I think that your art will turn out amazing! What are some of the mediums you are thinking about using? How are you planning on making each piece a representation of your friends? Like, are you going to make the background a representation or the person them self, by making it abstract or something? I can't wait to see how these pieces come out and how your own style looks!!

    1. Thanks!! I was thinking of using pen and ink, watercolors, oil pastels, and whatever I can find around the house. I do like the idea about incorporating things into the background. I could also make the subjects holding different objects or wearing clothes that represents them. Thanks again!

  5. Hi Laura!
    I am very excited to see all your finished products; maybe there is a drawing of me on the horizon?! Anyways, you mentioned that you wanted to incorporate as much media as possible. What did you mean by this? Also, are you planning on doing any research on the best conditions to draw? I know you mentioned music, but anything else? It sounds as though you are really passionate about your topic, which will help you immensely in meeting your goals.

    1. Thanks Jason! Hopefully there will be a drawing of you. When I said I wanted to include different mediums, I meant I wanted to use a variety of materials. For example, I could use oil pastels or acrylic paint. I think that the best conditions to draw vary depending on the artist's personality and what keeps them calm, but some basic tips would be good to look into.
